Unraveling MBTI of Kiyotaka Ayanokoji: ISTP

Dimas Eka Ramadhan
6 min read4 days ago


Ayanokoji’s frame of mind is intriguing to dismantle

"Everyone is just a tool. It doesn't matter what the outcome is. It doesn't matter what needs to be sacrificed. In this world, winning is everything. As long as I win in the end ... that's all that matters."

That is the popular declaration Ayanokoji uttered in an inner monologue towards the finale of the first season's episode. It appears amoral and impassive. Such a proclamation seems to exude Machiavellianism. In spite of that, it is not that simple.

After all, his aim to manipulate people is not to gain lofty ideals like ascending to a noble hierarchy. He merely dreams of a normal life accompanied by personal freedom. Liberation from external shackles—especially his father's.

In terms of personality, Ayanokoji is a reposeful student who does not stand out. He is calm, unassuming, and carries an air of mystery around him. So, how would his character be analyzed using MBTI?

Introverted Thinking (Ti)

The cognitive structure of ISTP is guided by Ti as its dominant/hero function.

Ti's foundation revolves around subjective factors. At least subjective factors reveal themselves as a guided compass that ultimately determines his judgment.

Ayanokoji's thought framework reminds us of the "thinking introverted" archetype. It depicts independent reasoning—emphasizing the collection of subjective aspects over insights absorbed through external data formulation. Ayanokoji uses external data to construct and assemble his own thought patterns. External data is not his main goal—rather, it serves as a support to underpin personal conclusions.

Ayanokoji's judgments are contemplative and involve inner ideational play. He trusts his inner logic and devises his own ways to implement things.

Ayanokoji gathers questions and constructs personal theories. He uncovers prospects and insights that are unbridled by external facts. However, when dealing with external facts, he tends to exhibit skepticism and caution. In many instances, Ayanokoji often appears doubtful of others' flawed logic or presents differing understandings.

Ti is adept at prioritizing precision and clarity.

Ayanokoji's final judgment often diverges from external world data. He uses his personal judgment to understand hierarchy structures, dominance, meritocracy, and the society within that elite school. He always thinks for his own interests and consistently leans towards personal perspectives rather than external standardized norms. In one example, Ayanokoji's view on abilities and competencies. Regardless of attending an academy where students are pressured to showcase their competencies, Ayanokoji contradicts that notion. Perhaps he does this to assert that he is capable of achieving/destroying something without showcasing his abilities to the public.

His Ti also influences Ayanokoji to be reserved, apathetic, cold, and seem to erect an impenetrable wall around him. The influence of Ti and low Fe isolates him from the outside world.

Ayanokoji's demeanor often devalues objective data over internal logic dominance. He sees it as a useful tool to understand truth or wisdom. He tends to disregard external truths. Ayanokoji highly values individual autonomy and holds onto individualistic focuses—often showing that he leans on personal identity influence. His decision-making also uses the "eyeball" technique, assessing situations swiftly, holistically, qualitatively, and situationally. This demonstrates one of Ti's characteristic performances.

Extraverted Sensing (Se)

Se plays the role of parent/guide for ISTP. It wisely guides other functions.

Se describes the process of capturing information based on sensory perception that is direct, concrete, and realistic. Se captures direct/objective reality from the surface of stimuli.

Se's function is actively involved in Ayanokoji's perception. For instance, his perception appears opportunistic—he simply wants to gain personal benefits without adhering to specific principles. Instead of continuously following calculated plans or speculations, he seems to let himself flow with current situations.

Ayanokoji is reactive to surrounding stimuli and absorbs environmental details without subjective impressions (Si). Ayanokoji views an object or stimulus as it is, without bias from his previous experiences with the same object. He is skilled in pragmatism. He does not aspire to perceive something too far-reaching and branching. He just wants to accept and rely on external data absorbed by the senses.

His strategy tends to aggregate actual experiences towards a concrete worldview.

This can be seen from Ayanokoji's ability to anticipate and read situations, emotions, or individual movements tied to direct objects. He always collects new experiences—often using each experience as a means to the next experience—regardless of subjective needs. He also seems not overly concerned with long-term goals. He takes in and absorbs everything calmly, adapting as needed.

Introverted Intuition (Ni)

Ni is the child function and comfort zone for ISTP. It's often dubbed as the "child" in the cognitive hierarchy.

Even though not as adept as Se, Ayanokoji's Ni function seems sufficiently complemented by his Se in perceiving things. Moreover, he is quite adept at uncovering hidden meanings and symbolism behind something. He also trusts his instinctual will—often urging others to rely on their own instincts. However, this is not dominant in him. He doesn't spend too much time pondering possibilities like someone with high Ni usage.

Ni doesn't care too much about various external possibilities, but rather what has been released by the external object inside of it.

Ni is subjective, focused on conceptual and impressionistic representations. Ni naturally aims attention towards a single conclusion. It's like branching a river that leads to a similar estuary at the end.

Ayanokoji is sometimes adept at filtering essential truths and arriving at sharp interpretations of events around him. He is skilled at 'filling in the gaps' accurately based on signals and data (whether open or hidden) he possesses. However, he doesn't seem too concerned with specific details reflected in his careful observation. He explains things relatively succinctly and straightforwardly, only providing as much detail as necessary to answer questions, often not bothering to elaborate further even when asked for additional information.

In the context of understanding knowledge, Ni's pattern is also highlighted in Ayanokoji. He accesses a large amount of information that has been synthesized through conceptual insights. He is driven by a desire to capture essential qualities derived from a broader context. He is interested in addressing several fundamental themes that are flexible and broad images that exist.

Extraverted Feeling (Fe)

Fe is the inferior function of ISTP. It is a fragile function, but essential when managed properly.

Fe anchors values solely based on objective, universal, and proven sentiment values that align with established norms outside.

Fe's low presence is noticeable in him. He is not a pro-social figure. Ayanokoji is completely disconnected from his feelings' guidance (not emotional/affectionate context) and is not guided by specific societal values and directions.

His low Fe makes Ayanokoji socially awkward because he lacks skills in communicating with others. Consequently, he often converses in a dull and monotonous atmosphere. This is very clear and bland. He can't even express his thoughts in front of many people. I see him talking somewhat normally with Suzune. However, he often fails, even making strange jokes—like mocking a girl.

He tends to obscure his identity from his friends and is unwilling to engage in social activities. At the beginning of the story, he seemed to express his desire to be friends with his classmates, but he failed to interact well with them because he didn't pay attention to certain social signals.

There is a general insecurity that low Fe hesitates to adapt to the people around them because of the bias of feelings being swallowed and burdened.

These characteristics leave an impression on others that Ayanokoji is cunning, apathetic, emotionally poor, and simultaneously signals an indifferent attitude, latency, or generally apathetic towards anything other than issues specifically of concern to him. This may be why some people in class still consider him a mysterious figure despite mingling together for years. It's as if there is a secluded space that is difficult to access within him. This emotional mask creates a mysterious atmosphere around his true feelings and intentions.

He prefers to present himself as someone who doesn't draw attention. However, he is not adept at adapting himself to avoid or solve current problems. Additionally, despite being validated as a genius, he still immerses himself in humility and camouflages himself as simple. This is a method to avoid unwanted attention and scrutiny that could threaten his peace.

June 2024



Dimas Eka Ramadhan

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